curriculum vitae


  • Oct 2021
    PhD in Artificial Intelligence
    • Intelligent Systems, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
    • Working on logic for multiagent systems (specifically belief & intention revision), with an increased teaching load.
    • Doctoral advisors: Natasha Alechina, Mehdi Dastani, and Dragan Doder
  • Feb 2019
    Aug 2021
    MSc in Logic
    • University of Amsterdam
    • Thesis: Multivalued Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Multiagent Systems and Multiplayer Games
    • Thesis supervisors: Alexander Kurz and Yde Venema
    • Simultaneously did the MSc in Artificial Intelligence: took the courses, but did not write a thesis
  • Sep 2015
    Aug 2018
    BSc in Computer Science
    • University of Amsterdam
    • Thesis: A Performance Analysis of Filtering Methods Applied to WiFi-Based Position Reconstruction
    • Thesis supervisors: Michael Lees and Philip Rutten

Teaching Experience

  • Thesis Supervision at Utrecht University
    • BSc Artificial Intelligence: Daan Horstman (2022, Trustworthiness in Social Choice: A Simulation-Based Study of Trust in Elections), Rick van Roon (2022, Bot Detection in Social Media: An Alternative to Machine Learning),
    • MSc Artificial Intelligence: Sterre Lutz (2022/2023, r-PLBP: Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Safety and Rewards of Bounded Policies Under Uncertainty)
    • Other: Supervision of high school students' theses on the topic of epistemic logic, as part of the U-Talent programme (2023)
  • Teaching Assistant at Utrecht University
    • BSc Computer Science: Computer Science Project (2022/2023, 2023/2024)
    • MSc Artificial Intelligence: Methods in AI Research (2022, 2023), guest lecturing for Multiagent Systems (2024)
  • Teaching Assistant at University of Amsterdam
    • BSc Computer Science: Introduction to Programming (2016), Programming Languages (2016), Multimedia (2017)
    • BSc Artificial Intelligence: Linear Algebra (2017)
    • BSc Mathematics: Introduction to Mathematical Logic (2019)
    • MSc Artificial Intelligence, MSc Logic: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (2021)

Academic Service

  • Sub-reviewing
    • 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2024)
    • 18th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2023)
    • 10th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO 2023)
    • Citizen-Centric Multiagent Systems 2023 (CMAS 2023)
    • 46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2021)
  • Organization
    • Utrecht University AI & Data Science Lunch Seminars
    • VvL Essentials Seminars
    • Dutch Logic PhD Day 2023
    • Algebra, Categories and Logic in Computing: A Farsi-English Workshop (2023)
  • Volunteering
    • Logic Colloquium 2024
    • Progic 2023

Funding & Grants

  • AMS MRC Grant
    • Supported by National Science Foundation under Grant Number DMS 1641020
    • Funding for:
    • Travel, stay and participation costs for the AMS MRC 2022 on Applied Category Theory in Java Center, NY, USA
    • Travel, stay and participation costs for the JMM 2023 in Boston, MA, USA
    • Travel and stay for a brief research visit to the Queen Mary University London
  • Travel Grant for SYCO 10
    • Financial support from the University of Edinburgh to attend SYCO 10 in 2022 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
  • Travel Grant for ACT 2022
    • Financial support from the Topos Institute to attend ACT 2022 in Glasgow, Scotland, UK


  • 2022 - now
    European Association for Multi-Agent Systems (EURAMAS)
  • 2022 - now
    Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS)
  • 2022 - now
    American Mathematical Society (AMS)
  • 2022 - now
    Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI)
  • 2022 - now
    European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL)
  • 2022 - now
    Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
    • Also part of the ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (ACM SIGLOG)
  • 2022
    European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ACM)
  • 2021 - now
    VEReniging Software Engineering Nederland (VERSEN)
    • The Dutch National Association for Software Engineering
  • 2021 - now
    Nederlandse Vereniging voor Logica & Wijsbegeerte der Exacte Wetenschappen (VvL)
    • The Dutch Association for Logic and Philosophy of Sciences