research & publications

in preparation

  • Coalgebraic Analysis of Social Systems, with Emily Roff, Nina Otter, and others
  • Work on a temporal logic of uncertainty, with Giovanni Varricchione
  • Semipromonads and Unitalization
  • On Some Categorical Properties of Argmax, with Matteo Capucci, David Spivak, and Riu Rodriguez-Sakamoto
  • Work on DEL-style belief updates on CGSs, with Rustam Galimullin and Maksim Gladyshev
  • Work on general belief revision with Katsuno-Mendelzon representation theorems
  • Work on applying a reward-based temporal logic to safe reinforcement learning via shielding, with Sterre Lutz

journal, conference & workshop articles


  1. IJCAI
    Revising Beliefs and Intentions in Stochastic Environments
    To appear in Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24)


  1. IJCAI
    Probabilistic Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Bounded Policies
    In Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)


  1. EUMAS
    Participatory Budgeting with Multiple Resources
    Nima Motamed, Arie Soeteman, Simon Rey and Ulle Endriss
    In Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2022)

abstracts & short contributions


    Probabilistic Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Bounded Policies
    In AAAI 2023 Spring Symposium On the Effectiveness of Temporal Logics on Finite Traces in AI


  1. LAMAS & SR
    A Probabilistic Finite Temporal Logic for Policies and Intentions
    In International Workshop on Logical Aspects in Multi-Agent Systems and Strategic Reasoning 2022 (LAMAS & SR 2022)
  2. CMCS
    Boolean-Valued Multiagent Coalgebraic Logic
    Alexander Kurz and Nima Motamed
    In Short Contributions of the 16th IFIP WG 1.3 International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS 2022)



  1. Multivalued Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Multiagent Systems and Multiplayer Games
    Nima Motamed


  1. A Performance Analysis of Filtering Methods Applied to WiFi-Based Position Reconstruction
    Nima Motamed